Skinny jeans are not out of fashion for men, but something elseis more cutting edge and definitely in.
Yesterday's relaxed cut is distinctly different from the relaxedtailoring now on-trend. The 2011-2012 look is a loosely tailoredone, far different from the baggy bottom look. The new relaxed-looktrend is not street wear. It is tailoring with flair, injected withfashion.
Baggy bottoms are considered street wear, or urban grunge, whichhas fallen off the list of menswear fashion trends. Street wear hasbecome dated, tired and stale, and has seen its day in contemporarystyle.
Loose-cut trousers, however, relate closely to the new, relaxedlook. This element is easy to get wrong. The look is one of arelaxed, oversized, loose interpretation of men's trousers that havebeen tailored to fit and hang on the body from just barely below thehipbone, belted.
It's all in the tailoring
Tailoring is key to the whole relaxed/loose look, just as it isto today's slimmer-cut suits.
Piled up fabric at the ankle of the trousers screams sloppy. Evenworse is any fabric at the feet that has been walked on, is now tornand frayed and in need of laundering. Cuffed or uncuffed is apersonal choice. Cuffs make one look taller and are a littledressier.
Casual no longer means T-shirt and jeans. Flares for men andloose, relaxed tailoring are not in the same category. Do notconfuse the two. Flares are a distinctly casual trend that may onlylast a season or two. This year's looser tailoring simply isn't thesame thing. Tailoring adds comfort and low-key allure to the look,and is the detail that makes the difference.
Preppy fashion offers casual, comfortable style for men. Polo-inspired shirts, laid-back, sporty and casual, in stripes andsolids, drive this trend. Menswear is becoming less color-phobic, socolor is often an easy way for men to step out of their comfortzone.
Sweaters made a firm showing in the men's market as a trend forfall. Chunky knits, Nordic sweaters and cardigans in bold colors andvintage patterns, as well as argyles, buffalo checks and plaidshirts are the perfect blend of comfort and style to pair withkhakis or jeans. Layer a vest in color harmony for simple, stronglook that is far from bland and boring.
Return of the pleats
Watch for the return of pleated pants for men. Forward andreverse pleats have walked men's catwalks recently. Pleated pants,cuffed and creased, offer freedom of movement and the appearance ofa slimmer, taller body when tailored.
Flat-front pants are now a mainstay in men's wardrobes, but therewas a time when flat-front pants were new. When it debuted on therunway, it displaced pleated-front pants. We now have a generationof men who have never worn pleated pants. Once the comfort factor ofthis classic revival is discovered, expect fashion-forward men, withtheir sense of style, to class up the joint in pleated pants.
Blue-collar trend
Fueling furnaces, paint, grease and sweat have shown up on men'srunways in Milan and Paris this fall. Prominent enough to beidentified as a trend, work wear is projected to go forward forspring 2012.
One key item defines work wear as a casual-wear fashionstatement: the one-piece. The boiler suit, overalls, coveralls,dungarees, whatever you call it - and in any variation - heavy-duty, lightweight, denim or other, the one-piece is the unmistakableking of the work-wear trend. While not expected to dominate men'strends, the blue-collar look is unquestionably a part of the relaxedtailoring trend.
Cargo and external pockets, on the outside of a garment, aremen's detail trends on casual wear with a utilitarian twist expectedto remain through 2012. External pockets are tied to new shapes inmen's pants that shift focus away from super-slim, skinnysilhouettes.
Men's trends are wearable, versatile, practical and most of allcomfortable and no fuss. The modern man is addicted to comfort inhis clothes. The cut of one's clothes is important, and finaldecisions always come down to comfort.
kenny kemp | Sunday Gazette-Mail photos Unstructured,contemporary leather has roguish charm and the perfect balance ofsophistication and style. Gene Canter wears a pebble nubuck leathersport coat, paisley shirt, corduroy flat-front pants and an IndianaJones-style hat by Bailey. All from Kelleys Mens Shop.
Falls spirited sportswear in rugged, boyish toughness and goodlooks capture one of the seasons most desirable trends. Easy livingat its stylish best. Casey Eagle (from left) wears a plaid shirt,parka and cargo pants from Charleston Department Store. MattSizemore is in attire from Macys, and Coach Tony Jackson isoutfitted in a vest, shirt and hat from Kelleys Mens Shop.
Club casual leather jackets, sweaters and vests layered inharmony over complementing shirts are key pieces for weekend-readyto wear. Matt Sizemore (from left) sports the Tom Cruise Classiclook in a zip-front leather jacket from Macys, and Brad Bury wears atextured Henley sweater, also from Macys. Andrew Bird is in a navyvest and shirt from Esteps. Gene Canters outfit is from Kelleys.
Will Miller is in a sport coat with pocket square from Jos. A.Bank.
Sweaters for men, a dominant fashion trend for business casualevents, look good with khakis or jeans. Chris Garnes (from left)wears a sweater from Macys in a vintage argyle pattern that is apopular trend. Andrew Bird is in a color-blocked, toggle-frontsweater from Esteps. Tommie Sue Roberts writes on fashion for theSunday Gazette-Mail. She may be reached at